Thursday, February 6, 2014


In relations to orthodox Roman Catholics, traditional Eastern Orthodox and conservative Protestants we find our opponents well armed and dangerous. The anticlerical opposition within the Church and the secular humanist opposition outside the Church is our tradition.

Anticlerical is opposed to the influence of the Church or the clergy in political affairs; for example religions influencing laws that include people who do not share their faith. Banning same sex marriage even outside church sanctioned marriages is a clear violation of everyone’s’ religious freedom believer or non-believer. Having said this the anticlerical, secular humanist, and Marxist now can find people within the Church that we can work with.

Liberation Theology is a movement in Christian theology, developed mainly by Latin American Roman Catholics, that emphasizes liberation from social, political, and economic oppression as an anticipation of ultimate salvation. With primacy of the poor we have Socialism and democracy, as being the bedrock of all truth in either Christianity or Secular Humanism. Imperialism and Capitalism are founded upon sin. Sin is whatever divides the self from the other. Liberation demands ending exploitation and oppression. Liberation is the affirming that life is worth living. Liberation is the life that is a communion with others. The truly good life is fighting everyday for the emancipation of the poor. Primacy of the poor is freedom for all.

In Latin America Christianity and Marxism (with a healthy dash of left anarchism) can be easily synthesized. Even though many Marxist and Anarchist reject God, their tradition was an outgrowth of Eschatological Christianity. To both Marxist and Liberation Christian their focus is on the poor. To the radical Christian God loves the poor more than the rich, because the poor are more in need of God’s love. Marxism tries to become the voice of the poor. To the Anarchist and Marxist is our duty to struggle for political and economic equality. To the radical Christian poverty is an abomination to God. The cause of poverty is wealth; therefore to become overly wealthy is sin. The non-believer can find common cause with the Revolutionary Christian in this shared struggle.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) is an association of the leaders of congregations of Catholic women religious in the United States. Which support administering among the poor as advocates of social change to empower the poor. Also they support human rights including women, homosexuals, poor, and disenfranchised groups within society. Again for the Marxist, anarchist and humanist these women are our beloved friends.

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