Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bring back the WPA

With the economy in the toilet, with the failure of the neo-conservative/ Republican economic and political specious hallucinations, lets take stock of where we go next.
The stimulus package has now wound its way through congress, we can no more than want very much that it will help even a little.  I only hope we keep pressure on our elected official to remember that those hurt most by this economic depression will be the ones who get first considerations.  If we try to save the corporations through tax cuts and direct subsidies at the expense of helping the poor we are bound to fail. Education and Health Care are of such importance that they need to be considered as too central to compromise on. Reductions to the funding education and removal support for national health care are unacceptable.  With ninety percent of the stimulus ear market for the private sector, I think we need to change that to no more than fifty percent for the private sector. What we need is more public sector jobs that provide need goods and services to those who cannot afford them, not more aid to For Profit Corporations, the same guys who got us in this mess in the first place. The primary ethics are jobs first, service to the public in the public sector building a wholesome and decent society. Where is the money we gave the corporations in 2001? We don’t need another Hoover style bailouts, in did not work in the 1930’s it will not work in 2009. Bring back programs like the WPA and CCC.

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