Thursday, August 22, 2013

Meaning of Life Stuff

The miracle of life is the improbability of life. Life on a minor speck of cosmic dust in an inconsequential solar system, in an insignificant galaxy in one of billions of galaxy clusters. The billions of sperm that never made it and the one that did. The thousands of eggs that never made it and the one that did. Each of us one among six billion members of our species and all those long dead who contributed their DNA to keep our species alive. All the animals, plants and microbes that have ever lived or will ever live on the speck of dust. All by sheer random chance. With no over riding plan or nor grand purpose makes every breath of every living day a truly a beautiful miracle that fills each day with a beauty my heart cannot truly hold. Eternity is in the now, each and every second of life and not in the distant future. The great philosopher Epicurus taught us to find joy in our mortality, not in spite of it. Fear no god and fear death even less. Life is a celebration to be indulged in, not a burden to be endured. Simple non-exploitive pleasures are the highest virtues. Friendship, love, simplicity, comfort are a few of the pleasures that should belong to all living things and what ever prevents this for anyone is in an injustice. When death comes all sensation ceases and without suffering thee is nothing to fear

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