Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sociology is historical studies that look for patterns. Sociology combines Historical Sociology i.e., history incorporating various sociological theories and how societies or cultures change and evolves thus diachronic above with a functional analysis synchronic above focusing on how the parts of a society interact to form a larger whole. Sociology is made up of highly specialized sub disciplines that are tied into the larger field of sociology that is both holistic and historical. Cultural anthropology adds a cross-cultural component to sociology. Cultural Anthropology studies the origins, history, and development of human culture from a holistic, historical and cross-cultural approach. Anthropology is a system of rival and contrasting theories in which any one theory is challenged by one or more competing theories. An over-simplification can represent this trend by the following: The relationship goes from history as a discipline, to sociology that adds to history a holistic approach, which looks for how specific institutions, and historical facts are embedded into a mutually interactive social whole. This social whole is changing overtime as is related long-term historical trends. The trends themselves are examined to discover their origins and their consequences. Cultural Anthropology of course adds cross-cultural insights to further test our theories. People’s motivations are related to the goals they set for themselves. This action has short-term consequences and long term effects many of which are unforeseen. Here Weber would agree with Althusser.


Emic (native point of view)
Etic (science)
Diachronic (historical)
Synchronic (functional scientific)
Qualitative (non-mathematical)
Quantitative (mathematical)
Synthetic (empirical descriptive)
Analytic (Theory)
Ideographic (particular)
Nomothetic (general)
Critical discourse (political activism)
Rational discourse (professional detachment)
Systemic knowledge

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