Introduction to the Ideology of protest.
Life is a celebration to be indulged in, not a burden to be endured. This is not only a code to live by, but also something worth struggling for, for all people and all life in general. Keep up the good fight and have fun.
I am a true conservative
A title of a book written by Lenin “What is to Be Done”, justified a vanguard party leading to a world without an oppressive economy, the state and even the vanguard party.
The Book was historically specific, but the title is still relevant. For myself a guidepost. Beneath a reedy coating of dangerous radicalism and deep-seated revolutionary beats the heart of a true conservative. The resistance of indigenous tribes, slave rebellions, abolitionists, reconstruction radical republicans, anarchists, populist of the 1890’s, Socialist Party of America, Industrialist Workers of the World, Popular Front Communists, are part of American History that makes me proud.
Marx represents more than a man, but a tradition deeply divided but the debates that embody a fertile energetic discussion rooted in opulent exhilaration. Kropotkin is the most stimulating and eloquent anarchist. Karl Polanyi is the father of economic anthropology and ethical economics, finally Camus the isolated humanist rebel of the spirit. Each of them and not the individual but the tradition they represent. Beacons in the stormy darkness of a cold winter’s night and every solution are but a step. Every answer leads to more paradoxes and difficulties that open more doors of hope. Working hard for Social Democracy, only to move beyond it to Democratic Socialism thus showing the way to true self-governing stateless communism. These are but very broad outlines of a very general direction with everyday actions creating still new issues to overcome. Each solution creates new problems. Which in turn creates new opportunities. But, not to move is unacceptable.
This tiny speck of dust in a very minor solar system, lost in one of billions of galaxies. Yet this is all we have why would anyone want more? It’s beauty, joy, sorrow, tragedy and terrifying awesomeness is more than my mind can comprehend and heart can hold. This life is but a fleeting second in eternity. This is the only life I have and that is what makes it so splendid. What happens to us often is beyond any choices we may have made. But how we respond is definitely a choice we cannot hide from. With each decision we forever alter our lives and that of the environment in which we live. We are at a critical moment in history. Daily in the news we are beleaguered by jingoism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, self-absorbed avarice, where careful scientific research carries no more weight than opinion. There is no human being that is non-racist we are either racist or anti-racist. The same can be said for all that besieges us daily.
To define my position in this thesis:
1. Culturally: anarchist-syndicalist
2. Philosophically: philosophical materialism
3. Spiritually: (if that even applies) secular humanism
4. Intellectually Marxism of multiple verities
5. Politically: eclectic socialist
6. Economically: getting as close as possible to the cooperative commonwealth federation
Half Breed
Half Wobblie and half Bolshevik
Half communist and half anarchist
Half democratic socialist and half libertarian socialist
Half classical Marxist and half Marxist Humanist
Half Breed
I. Industrial Workers of the World (IWW).
1. Building a New society in the shell of the old.
2. Direct Action where you are is the revolution.
II. Popular Front Communist Party USA.
1. Discipline
2. Boring from within.
III. Trotsky and Trotskyism Old Socialist Workers Party
1. Anti-Nationalism or Internationalism.
2. Permanent Revolution
IV. Democratic Socialism Socialist Party USA
1. Multi-tendency or discussion not contests.
2. Social Democracies concern with human rights and welfare.
To avoid a crisis of faith I embrace a profound and unshakable faith in the lack of faith. This open up the world to the thoughtful joy of probabilities, i.e. things happen, and I choose to survive. To paraphrase Camus if I choose to live, I can choose philosophical suicide or embrace faith i.e. acting in bad faith. But I can accept there is nothing to have faith in and celebrate live with all its flaws. To live each day as a rebel and then I choose to be free in a world without denotation or permission.
It is the celebration of anarchism or true communism that lays the foundation of genuine culture and only this. With the first monarch ever there were peasant, slave and serf rebellions, with the first clergy ever there were peasant, slave or serf rebellions, with power or unequal access to land or wealth again peasant, slave or serf rebellions. We strongly identify with the rebels and insurgents of laborers, the people who are the legal property of another, or the bucolic drudge compelled underneath the unenlightened organization to servitude on the aristocrat's domain that gives birth to revolts. A world without the divine, wealth, a sovereign or soothsayers, frauds or presbyter is the ideology of culture.
Five estimates on the meaning of life:
1. The reason for Philosophy or why reread Camus
There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest -- whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories -- comes afterward. These are games; one must first answer the question of suicide or is life worth living.
Two possible choices are as follows.
Leap of faith or religion is philosophical suicide, therefore, acting in bad faith.
Acceptance is that we have a choice to live with the absurd and create our own meaning and take responsibility for our choices and therefore the consequences.
At a certain point in my life I totally despised Michael Francisconi and choose to openly murder him, then I created a totally new Michael Francisconi a personal work of art.
2. Religion
Religious man was born to be saved; psychological man is born to be pleased.
Psychological man may be going nowhere, but he aims to achieve a certain speed and certainty in going. Like his predecessor, the man of the market economy, he understands morality as that which is conducive to increased activity. The important thing is to keep going.
The truth is, Jung has brought back one member of the old duality, unreason, with a new name; it is no synthesis at all, but only the latest maneuver in the war against rationality that has been conducted with rising hysteria by literary intellectuals and humanists against the laws of a culture they have reason to distrust and disobey. The Jungian theory proposes to every disaffected humanist his "personal myth," as a sanctuary against the modern world. Against the vulgar democracy of intelligence, Jungian theory proposes an aristocracy of feeling. From this proposal derives Jung's persistent influence on modern critical and aesthetic style.
Philip Rieff, The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud
3. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d'honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.
Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun"
Karl Marx' - "A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right"
4. The idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice; it is the most decisive negation of human liberty and necessarily ends in the enslavement of mankind both in theory and practice… he who desires to worship god must harbor no childish allusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity. If God is, man is a slave; now man can and must be free; then God does not exist…All religions are cruel, all founded on blood. Michael Bakunin God and the State.
5. My personal favorite
It is the celebration of anarchism or true communism that lays the foundation of genuine culture and only this. With the first monarch ever there were the peasant, slave and serf rebellions, with the first clergy ever there were the peasant, slave or serf rebellions, with power or unequal access to land or wealth again peasant, slave or serf rebellions. We strongly identify with the rebels and insurgents of laborers, the people who are the legal property of another, or the bucolic drudge compelled underneath the unenlightened organization to servitude on the aristocrat's domain that gives birth to revolts. A world without the divine, wealth, a sovereign or soothsayers, frauds or presbyter is the ideology of culture.
Moving towards a free association of all productive forces based upon co-operative labor, which would have as its sole purpose the satisfying of the necessary requirements of every member of society and would no longer have in view the special interest of privileged minorities within the social union. Desire a federation of free communities, which shall be bound to one another by their common economic and social interest and shall arrange their affairs by mutual agreement and free contract.
Born from a strong sense that everything can be understood in terms of matter in motion and void. Combining the two above we end up most everything we understand comes from thinking logically about life experiences a careful empirical and scientific research. From this grounded in a vivid imagination and the capacity to experience empathy we can live truly ethical lives.
From this we develop a plan that depend on a process of socioeconomic investigation that observes class relations and social conflict using a materialist interpretation of historical development and takes a dialectical view of social transformation. From this we hope to learn what is possible given resources available and how best to proceed to more democratic control over life choices. Using the resources, we find in nature and develop through our collective labor to meet the requirement of from each according to her ability to each according to her need.
Economically this would mean getting as close as possible to a cooperative commonwealth federation. It is the celebration of freedom or true equality based upon a deeper meaning of equity that lays the foundation of genuine culture and only this. When sovereigns arose so did the insurrection the crofter in captivity. With unequal access to the needed resources and unequal distribution of the products of labor rebellions of the oppressed is as old as history. We deeply recognize the revolutionaries and insurgents of working people, the people who little than investments or cost of doing business the soulful drone suffocated within the soil the uncivilized structural institutions of servitude to those too good to work that leads to revolts.
Life of resistance, then, really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion, the supernatural, and the clergy; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of the property of the wealthy, and some else’s greed based upon profits; liberation from the manacles and restraint of administration of monarchs, oligarchs or republics of property.
Humans are fated to be free; because choice is unavoidable either we side with the oppressed or the oppressor becoming responsible for everything that follows from those choices. It is up to you to give your own life meaning; each lifetime is meaningful through the struggle for the larger world. Freedom even in oppression is what we do with what life has dealt us acceptance of oppression of others is unacceptable. Resistance, in the face of affluence, authority and corruption of power gives our lives meaning.
Yet I must repeat this tiny speck of dust in a very minor solar system in the millions of solar systems in this one galaxy is but I one of the billions of galaxy clusters each with billions of galaxies. Such realizations fill my being with total awe. Each life is filled with loveliness, happiness, grief, calamity and chilling awesomeness as I already said this is more than my mind can comprehend and heart can hold. This life is but a fleeting second in eternity. This is the only life I have and that is what makes it so splendid. Why would I want more? Because it is all I have, I choose to live it a celebration and a duty. What happens to us is often beyond our control. What we do with this is our choice. What happens to us often is beyond any choices we may have made. But how we respond is definitely a choice we cannot hide from. With each decision, we forever alter our lives and that of the environment in which we live. We are at a critical moment in history. There is no “not” in the following racism, sexism, nationalism homophobia or classism. You are either anti all of the above or you are the problem. A livable planet is also our choice. The choices we make as individuals and collectively will have a dramatic effect on the rest of humanity, all life on this planet and the planet itself. The earth will survive, but will we recognize it?
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