Saturday, June 19, 2021




The workingmen’s Association also known as the first international. From 1854 to 1876. Was created to create unity among labor unions, socialists, anarchists, communists, and other left organizations. The defining ideology was unity in class struggle.


Second international united socialists around the world except for Anarchist-syndicalists.  Including all remaining socialists and left labor unions. It was founded in 1889. It helps defining both revolutionary socialists and legal social democratic parties. It tried to make Marxism more understandable to all working people. It fell a part because of the nationalism of the Great War 1914 to 1918.


Third International or Communist International created in 1919 by the Russian Bolsheviks’, modeled on the vanguard party closely led by the Communist International central committee “"Comintern"”. Its main purpose was to lead a global revolution based upon the Russian model founded by Lenin and at one time Trotsky.


Fourth International founded by Trotsky in 1938.  Claimed that the Soviet Communist Party betrayed the intranational communist revolution. It was to remain faithful to a global working-class revolution to replace autocratic capitalism with a democratic working-class revolution of socialist society founded upon worker and community councils that were federated globally.


Fifth International founded in 2003 as the League for a Revolutionary Communist International to re-establish short term progressive and achievable goal, while continuing the unyielding struggle for socialism based upon participatory democracy founded upon a coalition of worker run collectives, consumer councils using from each according to their ability to each according to their need type of equity as its goal and community associations federated from the local level at step-by-step stages to include the entire globe.


We need a sixth international while allowing those with the broader goals outlined above to participate. But, open to everyone who wants to struggle for policy founded upon human dignity for all. Working for a more compassionate in which historical truth shall not be hidden from view. Maintaining the goals equity, equality, and justice for all. Based upon democracy and humanism, for all living things. To fight the current trends of hate and pettiness on the political scene.


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