Thursday, August 22, 2013

Presidents best and Worst

Two worst President in US history it goes like this in number two place;

Wilson because among other things Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918

Truman hands down

The Democratic national Convention of 1944 was one of the most important political events of the 20th century. This would be the beginning of the end of the popular front. This would be the event that would bring to a close the possibility of a Post War New Deal. Roosevelt was very sick and most close to him suspected he was dying. By selecting Truman as the V.P. candidate the door was open to having an entirely different kind of President. This would lead to a return of government by machine politics and rule by corporate and military elites. What followed was the logical conclusion of selecting a political hack. Truman as President would go on to take control of the coalmines, request brutal anti-labor legislation, replace New Dealers with large Wall Street investors, top corporate executives and military brass all men of power, influence and mediocre intelligence. Not unlike the political bosses Truman held in reverence. Foreign policies would become openly imperialist both by protecting decaying British and European colonialism and spreading US neo-colonialism, anti-socialist and confrontational. All this was in the future but it would follow like cause and effect. The Democratic Party caved into the established Democratic political Machine. Rule by bureaucrats cynical by nature and deceitful and distrustful by character was the logical conclusion. The Cold war was the natural result both the Soviets and the US share the blame, but the majority of the fault falls on Washington.

Not to mention

Executive Order 9806 November 1946

Temporary Commission to investigate loyalty

Executive Order 9835 April 1947: Truman Loyalty Oath

1.    All federal employees must sign a loyalty oath.

2.    - employee could be fired if "reasonable grounds" to suspect loyalty

Executive Order 10241 April 1951 Replace in Executive Order 9835 wording reasonable grounds with reasonable doubt.

Best President FDR for reasons to numerous to mention, I don’t have a number two.

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