Thursday, July 19, 2012

process approach

If the particular meaning of a cooperative association between diverse peoples to share a collective involvement will be taken as a rationale for the proposal of fellow citizens to share in mutual reciprocity.  Then a folk type friendship becomes subconscious glue keeping the larger group together. These insights are related to an understood set of values that are abstract, broad and vague enough to be agreed upon. This leads to an implied promise to engage in types of behaviors that other people in this expanded coalition come to expect. Others both within the coalition and opposed to the coalition will respond accordingly. The interaction becomes understandable and perceptible to all parties involved. The dealings are intimately explicable and noticeable to all parties involved leading to action and counter action. This connection becomes the underlying principle and logical source for devotion to the cause i.e. “The Movement”. The above is a Marxist interpretation to the process approach to political anthropology.

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