Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Winter sleep, before the spring uprisings

The Republicans are cannibalizing themselves, the occupy movement has moved in winter mode waiting for spring, and the large investment firms have become so sinister that even the pro-capitalist cannot defend them.
Battle lines are being drawn between the larger financial investors vs. those who never have enough money and the impoverished i.e. the majority. Production to provide “good jobs”, that offer meaningful goods and services for all the people is what are important. What we do not needed are the increasing investment opportunities so that global investors have a chance for profits independent of making anything real or providing high paying jobs for all workers. Now what is at stake is defining what do we mean by economics. Is economics the use of our resources to provide for all the basic needs of everyone on the planet, or is economics profitable investments for the only the handful of large shareholders who care more about earnings than providing jobs? Greed of the spoiled few is at war with an ethical economy and supporting public decent principles to take care of the basic needs of real people who are struggling to survive. The current struggle against neo-classical economic policies is what defines this historical setting. Like struggles of the past the experiences we are living through will define the political awareness for the lifetime of the participants. Because all the economies of the world are closely tied together this is not an American fight but a planetary resistance. The International is once again the source of a global patriotism. We call this humanity. Nationalism is the voice of reaction.


  1. Do you think that even some on the "dark side" are beginning to have some sort of dawn of reasoning? When their number one candidate (today) says his speaking engagements only bring in a little money ($375k) and that he thinks people are just jealous and that's why there is class warfare... it seems that not only the old rebels are sitting up and noticing.

  2. The movement is back, once again people demand to be seen and their voices fill dark cold of dawn
